Thursday, August 19, 2010

My pit is crate trained and he won't do anything in the house except for when he is home alone. Any advice?

what does he do while he's in the crate home alone? i have to always crate my dog when im not home or else he poops or pees out of anxiety.My pit is crate trained and he won't do anything in the house except for when he is home alone. Any advice?
maybe he is just ';having fun'; the same reason children do it-they think it is fun. tho you do have to consider the fact that he might not like you or he may just be testing your boundries. but I will warn you-If you mistreat dogs the do get revenge-such as peeing in your shoes. seriously.My pit is crate trained and he won't do anything in the house except for when he is home alone. Any advice?
your dog sounds like it has seperation anxiety, dogs with it will do bad things while you are gone because they are stressed out that you left. there are many ways to cure seperation anxiety, just research it and find out the best way for you
hes testing as in he dont like u and a fraid of u so does when ur gone or is scared when ur gone =)

(maybe idk)

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