Thursday, August 19, 2010

Any advice that anyone can give me on network marketing for free would be greatly appreciated.?

I sell the Identity Theft Shield and Life Events Legal PlanAny advice that anyone can give me on network marketing for free would be greatly appreciated.?

Wow! I'm glad you asked about MLM, aka Network Marketing.

Freakanomics is right - network marketing is a hoax. Get the book:. Freakonomics [Revised and Expanded]: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of Everything (Hardcover) by Steven D. Levitt

Check out this book at your local library.How to Take Advantage of the People Who Are Trying to Take Advantage of You: 50 Ways to Capitalize on the System (Paperback)

by Joseph SB Morse

Be informed. Practice due diligence. Demand proof. Proof that can be verified. Bank statements, tax returns, etc.

Get this book at your local libary or Amazon: (False Profits: Seeking Financial and Spiritual Deliverance in Multi-Level Marketing and Pyramid Schemes (Paperback)

by Robert L. Fitzpatrick .

Only the most virulent, ruthless, aggressive, sweet talking con artists are successful at Network Marketing. You have to be willing to fool a lot of people into thinking you have a plan for financial Nirvana and they will talk a lot about altruism and spirituality and how working an ordinary job is a dead end They call it Just Over Broke (JOB). In reality, you will go broke buying worthless MLM products at sky-high prices.

It's like a chain letter, a pyramid, a Ponzi scheme. Don't believe people when they say it isn't. They lie through their teeth. MLM is a snake-pit of liars and those that aren't lying are hopelessly misinformed.

Read this before you waste any money on Network Marketing: (

You will hear a lot of arguments that make network marketing sound like the Holy Grail of home based ';businesses';. Like comparing apples to computer chips. You will always hear some very convincing arguments that it is legitimate - every one is a con and illustrates how creative con artists are.

The are very CON-vincing - that's convincing with a capital C for calamnity, a big O for obnoxious, and N for nauseous. There are no nuggets in this scam. See: (鈥?/a>

Here are the 10 biggest lies of network marketing (鈥?/a> read the truth and steer clear of this world-wide hoax.

MLM is the biggest scam in the world and it is going global with companies like Tiens.

They will tell you that all you need is fresh leads from a good mailing list and people will sign up faster than a NASCAR race car.

Are you kidding me? Fresh MLM leads! Don't fall for that.

Get real.

Remember, There's a sucker born every minute...and two to take 'em. Burn that into your brain.

If their leads are so good, where is their money-back guarantee? Leadbakery is just one example of a list seller and they are even worse than the MLM companies.

Listen! There has never been a successful course or book on MLM success - all boil down to this:

talk to lots of people with questions like ';If I could show you a way to make lots of money quick, would you be interested?'; or ';If I could show you a sure-fire way to build a financial fortress that would protect you forever, would you be iinterested?'; or ';Social Security is not secure. Build a MLM company and retire rich';.

That's the first warning sign that something is rotten in Denmark.

Yes, some will sign up, but unless you are a ';heavy hitter'; and use illegal methods to trap people into becoming distributors, honest people cannot succeed at this.

Do you know why these courses never work? None of them work because the concept is a con - it's the confidence man's dream, jam packed with hype and hypocrisy.

The only people that will be making money are the list brokers selling the mailing list - and the course writers and seminar creators. If it was such a good deal, why wouldn't they join a MLM company? The mailing list would be free to them. You don't see them giving up a lucrative mailing list business to get into something that doesn't work. They are smart. They get it. And expensive training courses - what a joke. They offer courses that will never work for the gullible and naive - the GRQ crowd.

And I always wondered why none of the people who worked the administrative side of the ';business'; were not distributors if it was such a great deal. They knew a job was better than the smoke and mirrors, pie in the sky hype used to sell MLM. They knew that only the heavy hitters made any real money.

MLM is the world's biggest scam. I have tried it a couple of times, the last being Herbalife. It has now moved into the Internet to trap people into believing that they can Get Rich Quick. It is going global.

The only way to make big money is to sell distributorships for thousands of dollars or sell seminar tapes and books.

I once went to a seminar given by Herbalife. The president came to speak. We thought we would learn the secret from the horses mouth on how to get the fiasco to work. We couldn't believe how shallow his advice was. It boiled down to ';talk to a lot of people';. That was his ';secret';..

If you do the math, and you are able to sign up lots of people, which is doubtful, you soon run out of people. You get 2, then those 2 get 2, etc. It the old binary progression. Do it 10 times and you are in the thousands. With every progression, the number doubles. 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024, 2024,4048,9096. The problem is those people in the beginning of the progression opt-out and gobble up the progression faster than Pac-Man. This is known as the ';Drop Out Rate';.

So what happens when thousands of people are doing this and with the internet it could be millions. You soon run out of people to talk to. And most people are smart enough to know it's a scam so right away you lose a huge segment of potential prospects.

Think about it.

In fact, finally, the numbers will exceed the entire world's population. It is a total dream world, a fantasy, completely out of touch with reality. It always looks good on paper, but none of the ';heavy hitters'; want to talk about drop-out rates.

Hey! What looks good in a spreadsheet, doesn't translate to reality.

The fact is that only the people who set up the program make money. The next level is all those scam artists that sell and give seminars on how to succeed in MLM. None of the schemes work because the concept is fatally flawed.

Why would anyone with a brain pay $30 for an herbal shampoo that they can buy at the local supermarket for $1, maybe $2 or $3 at the most. The same with pomegranate juice and Noni juice and all the other miracle juices, algae, and other strange things, even flower pollen.

Are you kidding me?

Get real.

Next, you will read all the anecdotal claims that the product will cure cancer and all sorts of other maladies. This is just another form of fraud. Where are the scientific double and triple blind studies? There ain't any. Sorry.

Listen! Don't forget this. Ask about the drop-out rate. Yes, the drop out rate.

Over 99% of the people who sign up will drop out after a few months or less. So even if you sign up a few people, they will be gone in months, if not weeks, when they find out how many people they have to talk to for just one distributor.

And your friends, co-workers, and relatives will not like you badgering them to join and will avoid you at all costs.

And most of the people who sign up are down-and-out desperate, who can ill afford to waste their money and who may be liable to criminal prosecution for promoting unregistered securities. And that's just in the USA. Foreign companies like Tiens leave you no recourse to any real legal remedies or enforcement.

And do you really know what's in this stuff? Of course not, it's jjust some con artist's word. For all you know, it could be like the tainted dog and cat food from China. It's not regulated. There is never any USP seal on it (United States Pharmacpeia).

Most of these programs die eventually leaving the suckers who signed up holding the bag. I had them die on me and not knowing any better, signed up for the latest MLM scam. After several attempts, I finally came to realize that it was all just a scam - some people became almost like religious zealots when they talked about their program that was going to make everyone rich and quick too. I lost a good friend when he believed my wild claims, put down $3,000 and lost it all.

The ';industry'; is full of disingenuous people whose mantra is ';Fake it 'til you make it';. Doesn't work. More fraud. They will give you testimonials of people who have made money, but they are liars and what they say cannot be proven. If it's so great why is there so much hype?

Here is a trick your upline will employ to get reluctant prospects to sign up. They will tell Ms. Reluctant that they will put some people under her and they take Mr. Hopeful who has already become a distributor and paid the fee and stick him under Ms. Reluctant which forces Ms. Reluctant to either buy in or lose the distributor. This is what happened to me in Herbalife. I was Mr. Hopeful. I thought I was signing up under a successful guy at the top known as a ';heavy hitter';, but I soon found out I had been scammed. Without telling me, he put me under Ms. Reluctant to force Ms. Reluctant to become a distributor. I did not like my new sponsor and after spending thousands on mailings, I finally dropped out. This is known as ';stacking'; and is supposedly illegal but it happens all the time.

Listen! My upline in Herbalife made more money selling a sales pamphlet than they did working their MLM business. We mailed out thousands of these pamphlets that we bought from our sponsor for a dime and he probably had them printed for a penny or less. He sold so many of them he had to set up a warehouse to hold and ship them.

Now, it's all done on the Internet via e-mail. But instead of mailing booklets, you get a Web site and collect e-mail addresses. But a fraud is still a fraud no matter what the media is that promotes it.

This was right before the Internet became popular and I was buying mailing lists through mailing list brokers and mailing thousands of booklets with not much success. I was lucky if 1% of 1% signed up as distributors. And they dropped out faster than I could add new ones.. Pretty soon, you run out of quality people to mail to. The internet makes this even worse, but they have to be more careful, but the spam continues to explode.

Check out this Web site: - for more facts, not hype about MLM and what a world-wide fraud it is.

I will probably get lots of MLMers who will villify me for trashing MLM, but I've been there and done it and I know first hand what a fraudulent scam it is that can destroy your life, drain you wallet and ruin your friendships.

Kindest Personal Regards,

Walt Brown

Site Build It Certified Webmaster鈥?/a>

P.S. Remember, there are no get rich quick schemes that work. If there were, the entire world would be rich in an instant, or as they say, a New York minute. I used to be gullible and naive and fell for some of them - no more. Be a sceptic. Be a doubting Thomas. Why are there thousands of GRQ schemes, because they work! Thousands of Gullible people believe that there is such a thing as GRQ and con artists take advantage of that. Demand proof, bank statements, tax returns, not hype.

P.P.S. Jeekers! You gotta remember - if it sounds too good to be true, it is.

P.P.P.S. Find some other way to make money. Have you tried e-bay? Get this book - How to Buy, Sell %26amp; Profit on eBay by Adam Ginsberg. Get this one too - Don't Get Burned on eBay by Shauna Wright. Another good one is: Three Weeks to eBay Profits by Skp McGrath. It cost nothing to sign up and find out about it. There are lots of tutorials where you can learn from the experts and most of it is free. Try getting free tutorials and expert advice from the so-called MLM gurus - free stuff would ruin their con.Any advice that anyone can give me on network marketing for free would be greatly appreciated.?
Hey MLM does work and there are a lot of people

who have had good success with them. The challenge

is finding the one that works for you and that takes alot

of time...and money.

And don't fool yourself it takes work, work, work...

Now I would like to share the following with you

and your other readeres:

PayPal Payment Notice:

Item #7-SECRETS - Notification of Payment Received from.....

How would you like to get that message everyday?

That would be an extra $210 a month....right?

$7 X 30days = $210.00.

Now if I told you that was what I received in my

PayPal account month would you believe me?

How about in one week?

Would you believe that ?

Well, then this is going to blow you away......

I receive that message over 80 times in one day.

That's right !

In less than one day. I know you don't believe me

so here is the proof.

And of course, when you visit I will tell you

exactly how I did it. And how you can do it too.

Here's to your success!

The Crazy Affiliate

PS: Oh, did you do the math on how large that herd

was over in a month...$7 x 80 x 30 =$?


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Hello, I am not familiar with your programs but from my experience a very good way to promote your business that won't cost you anything is with ';Permission Emails'; You can probably do searches or just google it and get alot of info on this form of promoting your business. The important thing to remember is it's illegal to spam someone, never send your info link in the first email. Just ask permission to send more info. You can go to forums and look for email addresses, look on business cards, 1000's of ways of getting an email address. If you send out 20 - 50 permission emails everyday, eventually you will see good results.

Good Luck,

I am a network marketer and doing very well. Contrary to that long winded diatribe about network marketing above me, it is an honest and productive way to make a living. I sell products to people, nothing wrong with that. Lots of people do!

As for your companies, I'm curious as to whether you have a trainer or mentor with either of them? Do you see yourself earning $20 or $30,000/mo with either of them? Do you have a strong belief in your product?

I too used to struggle with network marketing. I had a great product but just couldn't seem to find a way to get it into people's hands. What I had to do was switch companies and products until I found ';the one'; that worked for me. I found a company that had a product that I truly believe is beneficial to everyone. Then I was trained and mentored as to how to market it and where, how to use all of the available tools and take advantage of the help offered.

If these companies don't offer that, consider finding one that will see the difference right away.

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